SWOC members share a passion for the environment, conservation and our outdoor heritage including hunting and fishing. Some of our annual events and ongoing activities include:
Big Buck Sportsmen Show, Tilbury Arena
Kids Fishing Derby, Wheatley Harbour
Big Boyz Fishing Tournament, Wheatley Harbour
National Archery in School Program (NASP) currently in 5 local schools
Funding post-secondary bursaries and academic awards for local area students attending Fleming College
Sponsoring university-level wildlife research projects
Supporting youth outdoor education programs
Supporting Hunter Safety and Firearm Licensing courses
Collaboration with OMNRF to sponsor and support fisheries research and stocking programs such as the Wild Turkey Reintroduction at Hillman Creek Conservation Area
Supporting wildlife enhancement opportunities in the local area
Hosting Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Zone J meetings
SWOC Members & Guests enjoy our Volunteer & Sponsor Recognition BBQ, our Big Rack Night/Xmas Party, and other Club meetings and events.